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*NOTE:   Amendments included though the TXRLCA convention, Beaumont, TX - 2001, are from personal records from said convention and other documents provided by the Association pending the official publication by the state association and have been added or changed in blue text . If errors or omissions are observed, please email the webmaster.






     The Texas Rural Letter Carriers' Association, existing by virtue of a charter legally and regularly granted by the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association, does ordain and establish this Constitution.


     This Association shall be known and designated as the Texas Rural Letter Carriers' Association.

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     The purpose of this Association shall be fraternal and beneficial, looking to a closer fellowship and a mutual conference among its members, and to seek the improvement of their conditions; for the study and adoption of the best method of rural delivery service, and to cooperate at all times with the Postal Service for the advancement and improvement of the service.

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     Section 1.
   The Texas Rural Letter Carriers' Association, realizing the Auxiliary is a vital part of our organization, does hereby authorize the State Board to supplement the finances of the State Auxiliary.
     Section 2.   The Secretary-Treasurer shall pay $2.50 per Association member each quarter to the Texas State Rural Letter Carriers' Auxiliary.

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     Section 1.
   Every person who is a regular carrier or PTF, is granted membership in the State Association by paying to the State Secretary-Treasurer $183.00 State dues plus National per capita. This will become effective July 1, 2002.
     Section 2.   All Substitute, RCR's, RCA's and Auxiliary rural carriers shall he eligible for State membership when they have paid $50.00 State dues plus National per capita. This will become effective July 1, 2000.
     Section 3.   All Retired rural carriers and former rural carriers who were in good standing when they left the service, shall be eligible for State membership when they have paid State dues of $25.00 plus National per capita. This will become effective July 1, 2000.

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     Section 1.
   The legislative powers and authority of this Association shall be vested in its officers and delegated representatives, duly elected by county or local associations.
     Section 2.   County or local associations shall be entitled to representation in its association by one delegate at large and one delegate for each ten or major fraction thereof, of its membership, to be elected by secret ballot, one ballot offered to each member present at the meeting designated for the election of delegates.
     Section 3.   Each delegate shall be entitled to one (1) vote individually, or one (1) delegate may cast all votes collectively. There will be no proxy votes for Locals without representation.
     Section 4.   The president shall have the power to grant charters and, in connection with the Secretary-Treasurer, issue them in the interim between meetings of the Association.
     Section 5.   A county or local with five (5) or more members can obtain a charter by remitting the per capita tax for all its members at the time of application, remittance to be made to the State Secretary-Treasurer.
     Section 6.   It shall be the duty of each local secretary to remit at the end of each month all money due the State Association, accompanied by a complete report of same.
     Section 7.   All local officers shall be elected at least every three (3) years by secret ballot. In case of no election these offices shall be declared vacant by the State Board.
     Section 8.   Membership in more than one (1) Local shall be prohibited.

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     Section 1.
   The State Association shall send delegates and seven (7) alternates to the National Convention, subject to the restrictions of the National Association. The State Association shall set aside $14.00 per member for the state paid delegates' and alternates' expenses, to be divided equally among state delegates and alternates attending the National Convention.
             (a) All Delegates and alternates to the National Convention must attend the opening session of the Convention, all voting (business) sessions, and the State caucus to be eligible for delegate and alternate expenses.
             (b) All resolutions approved at the State Convention shall be supported and endorsed by all National Delegates and the State Board members at the National convention provided the intent is not altered. Any Delegate that does not follow the guidelines in this SECTION will forfeit any compensation for being a Delegate at that Convention.
     Section 2.   Nominations for National Delegates shall be accomplished by submitting a nomination on a ballot to be published by the "National Rural Letter Carrier" or "The Texas Carrier" in February, March, April and May. Ballots may be reproduced. Such nominations may include self nomination.
     Section 3.   Nominations for candidate for National Delegate shall be in the office of the Secretary-Treasurer at least forty (40) days prior to the opening of the State Convention.
     Section 4.   It shall be the duty of the State Secretary-Treasurer to prepare a ballot listing the nominees for the position of delegate to the National Convention and to mail said ballot to all members at least twenty (20) days prior to the opening of the State Convention. Eligibility requirements of all nominees shall be verified before any member's name is added to the National Delegate Ballot. After the verification of the eligibility of nominees, there shall be a random drawing for positions on the National Delegate Ballot among all qualified nominees.
     Section 5.   Ballots shall be returned to a P. 0. Box in the State Convention City and counted at the State Convention by an Election Committee appointed by the State President. Any candidate may observe the ballot tabulation.
     Section 6.   A plain envelope marked "Ballot" shall be provided each member to seal the ballot for mailing to the P. 0. Box in the State Convention City.
     Section 7.   The sealed plain envelope containing the ballot shall be returned to the P.O. Box in the State Convention City by the member in another envelope clearly identifying name, address and local unit of the member to permit verification of membership enrollment and to maintain the integrity of the voting procedure.
     Section 8.   The number of candidates to be voted upon by each member shall not be more than the total number of Delegates to which the State Association was entitled the previous year. Appropriate instructions shall be on each ballot stating the number of Delegates to be elected and the name and mailing address of the P.O. Box in the State Convention City they should be returned. The ballot must be received at the P.O. Box in the State Convention City prior to the first business session of the State Convention. In reporting the results of the vote tabulation, the candidates shall be placed on a roster in accordance with the number of votes received. The required number of Delegates for the State Association in accordance with Article IV, Section 1 of the National Constitution, shall be declared regular delegates and the remaining candidates shall be declared alternates in the order of their finish.
     Section 9.   From the elected National Delegates, a Delegate-at-Large and other National paid delegates to which a State Association is entitled in accordance with Article XII, Section 2 of the National By-Laws may be designated.
     Section l0.   The incoming President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer, when duly elected as a delegate, shall be the National Paid Delegates to the National Convention, the incoming President to be declared Delegate-at-Large. When the membership entitles the State Association to four National Paid delegates, the State Steward shall also be a National Paid Delegate, if duly elected. When the membership entitles the State Association to additional National Paid Delegates, they shall be the Executive Committee Persons in order of seniority, if duly elected as delegates.
     Section 11.   The person selected State Carrier of the Year, if not already a National Delegate, Delegate-at-large or alternate, shall be paid Delegate pay from the State Association, if attending the national Convention.

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     Section 1.
   This Association shall meet each year for a State Convention.
     Section 2.   The host city for the State Convention shall be selected two years in advance.
     Section 3.   At least sixty (60) days prior to the State Convention, the State Vice President shall notify cities he/she may deem interested in having the State Convention to have a representative present at the Convention to request consideration of the TXRLCA Local of that city or territory.
     Section 4.   The Editor of "The Texas Carrier" shall at least sixty (60) days prior to the State Convention publish a request that Locals interested in having the Convention have a representative present at the Convention to meet with the committee on the Place of Next Convention.
     Section 5.   The President shall appoint a committee of five persons on Place of Next Convention Committee, and two of these may be members of the State Board. It shall be the duty of this committee to receive invitations for the next Convention city. They shall give ample time for representatives of each of the cities to present their invitations and pledges. The committee shall give diligent study to the facts presented, and shall choose no more than three (3) cities to be candidates for the convention site for the next convention.
     Section 6.   The three (3) cities will be presented to the Convention Delegates for consideration and selection without recommendation by the committee for any one of the three.
     Section 7.   If the State Board, after due consideration, considers it to be in the best interest of the Association to make a change in the selection made by the Convention, they may do so, but must present to the next Convention assembled, their reasons for the change.
     Section 8.   This Association shall also meet each year for a Fall Booster in October over the Columbus Day Holiday weekend.
     Section 9.   All regular scheduled State Executive Board meetings will be published ahead of time.

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     Twenty-five (25) delegates, representing not less than ten (10) local organizations, shall constitute a quorum. A lesser number may adjourn until some further date.

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     Section 1.
   The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary-Treasurer, whose election shall he annual, and five (5) Trustees. These officers shall constitute the Executive Board, and the State Organizing Board. It is provided that the term of the office of the Trustees shall be two (2) years each, with Trustees to be elected each year to take the place of those whose terms will expire. No State Officer shall continue to hold office in the TRLCA who concurrently holds or accepts a position in management, a position in another craft, or any person appointed as State or Assistant State Steward. The qualifications for a candidate as an Officer or Trustee of the Association shall be he/she is a member in good standing. (Any Officer currently serving as State or Assistant State Stewards shall be allowed to serve out their current term.)
     Section 2.   The nominations of officers shall take place immediately following the final report of the credentials committee, said nominations shall not be closed until the presiding officer shall inquire three (3) times "Are there any more nominations?". Elections shall take place on the last day of the convention.
     Section 3.   The election of officers shall be by Secret Ballot provided there is more than one (1) candidate. When there are more than two (2) candidates for the same office, it shall require a majority of all votes cast to elect. When there are more than two (2) candidates for the same office, the one receiving the least number of votes shall be dropped at each succeeding ballot until there is an election.

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     The Executive Board is authorized to publish a State paper, and it shall be known as "The Texas Carrier" and shall be designated as our official publication. All expenses for printing, addressing and mailing "The Texas Carrier" shall be borne by the Association.

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     In all matters of procedure not covered by this Constitution and By-Laws, Robert's Rules of Order shall be used as a guide in our procedure.

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     Section 1.
   The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board, and enforce all laws thereof and fill all vacancies pro-tem caused in any way in the Executive Board of the Association and report same to the Convention. He/she shall sign all orders legally drawn on the Secretary-Treasurer. He/she shall sign all papers and documents that require his/her signature to properly authenticate them.
     Section 2.   He/she shall have general supervision of all Organization work and may use such funds as may be available for that purpose. His/her decision upon all questions of law shall be final during the recess of the Association.
     Section 3.   He/she shall report such decisions to the Association at each annual meeting for their approval or rejection. Such decisions, when approved or revised by the State Association, shall be incorporated in the Constitution and By-Laws.
     Section 4.   He/she shall submit, at each annual convention, a written report of all his/her official acts during his/her term of office, and shall perform other duties as the laws, rules, and regulations of this Association may require.
     Section 5.   The President shall recommend a State Steward and a minimum of four Assistant State Stewards, with the Board's approval, to the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association. One Assistant State Steward will be assigned to each district.
     Section 6.   The President shall appoint a Chaplain for a period of one (1) year, who shall have charge of the Memorial Program at the Annual Convention.
     Section 7.   The President shall appoint a Political Action Committee Chairman.
     Section 8.   The President shall appoint a Convention Secretary at least twenty (20) days prior to the beginning of each convention to keep a record of the proceedings thereof and he/she shall receive written reports of Committees and file all such papers with the State Secretary-Treasurer as permanent records of this Association. The Convention Secretary shall receive a salary to be determined by the majority of the State Board.
     Section 9.   The President shall appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms on the first day of the Convention.
     Section 10.   At the close of each annual convention the President shall make such appointments of special committees as have been provided for and shall have authority to fill all vacancies occurring therein during recess.

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     The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President. In case of death, resignation, disqualification, refusal or neglect of the President to discharge the duties of his/her office, the Vice President shall become the President and serve until such time as his/her successor shall be duly elected and installed.

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     Section 1.
   The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a complete record of all proceedings and all other business transacted by this association. This record shall be published in "The Texas Carrier" as soon as possible after the conduction of such business. He/she shall read or cause to be read, all reports, communications, etc., and attest all orders drawn on the funds of the Association.
     Section 2.   He/she shall receive all reports, data and papers from the Convention Secretary, and file same as permanent records of this Association.
     Section 3.   He/she shall keep inventory of all property owned by the State Association and shall keep on file property assigned to Board Members or appointed officers with each signing for same.
     Section 4.   He/she shall keep a complete list of all members in each local or county association.
     Section 5.   He/she shall conduct all correspondence of the Association pertaining to this office, and keep a complete record of same and submit it to the Executive Board when demanded.
     Section 6.   He/she shall receive all money of this Association and shall immediately deposit such money in a convenient depository, such deposits to be made in the name of the Texas Rural Letter Carriers' Association. The interest, if any, occurring thereon to be paid to the Secretary-Treasurer and credited to the funds of the Association.
     Section 7.   He/she shall present a correct and complete report of the condition of the Treasury to each annual meeting of the Association, together with a letter of certification from the bank for the total amounts of funds on hand.
     Section 8.   He/she shall remit monthly to the National Secretary-Treasurer all money belonging to the National Association.
     Section 9.   The Secretary-Treasurer shall make a full and complete financial report to the Executive Board each quarter, and such report shall be published in the official publication.

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     Section. 1.
   The Executive Board shall have general supervision and control over the Association in the interim between meetings and shall determine the amount of money to be used for organization purposes.
     Section 2.   The Executive Board and appointees shall submit a written report at each annual convention of the performance of his/her duties of the preceding year.
     Section 3.   The voting record of each individual board member, on any issue for which a roll-call vote is taken, shall be recorded in the minutes and both the minutes and the individual voting records shall be published in the State Paper within 60 days after the minutes are approved.

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     Section 1.
   At the close of each annual convention, the officers elected for the coming year, shall be installed immediately and shall take charge of the Association affairs, with the exception of the Secretary-Treasurer.
     Section 2.   The incoming Secretary-Treasurer shall take charge of his/her office immediately after the outgoing Secretary-Treasurer has closed and balanced his/her books on or before the 1st of September.
     Section 3.   The Secretary-Treasurer shall qualify for the duties of the office on or before September 1st following election; otherwise, said office shall be declared vacant by the President.
     Section 4.   The State Steward's term of office will be determined by the State Association or until terminated by the State or National Board in accordance with SECTION 8 of Article 18 of the NRLCA Constitution and By-Laws.
     Section 5.   The term of office of the Editor of "The Texas Carrier" will be from September 1 to August 31.

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     The bond for the Secretary-Treasurer shall be 10 percent of the gross receipts of the Association.

 back to By-Laws index

     Section 1.   The State Steward shall be a full-time, salaried employee of this Association.

     Section 2.
   In keeping with the NRLCA Constitution and By-Laws, the State Steward shall supervise and administer the Steward system within that State.
            (a) The State Steward shall be responsible to the State and National Associations for the performance of his/her duties.
            (b) In appealing grievances to the district level in Step 2 and the regional in Step 3, the State Steward shall coordinate his/her efforts very closely with the Area representative of the NRLCA.
            (c) It shall be the responsibility of the State Steward to submit the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the Assistant State Steward(s), Area, and Local Stewards to the National office for certification.
            (d) The State Steward shall give a written response to the Local Steward of the current status of any grievance appealed to him/her. The response shall be forwarded to the Local Steward within the time limits prescribed for appeal to the next step.
            (e) The names of all post offices to which an Area Steward is assigned must be reported to the National office in order that the Area Steward may be certified to the Postmasters at those offices.
     Section 3.   In the event the Assistant State Steward(s), Area, or Local Steward is unavailable, the State Steward shall have the authority to represent the NRLCA and name an individual to serve temporarily as Steward.
     Section 4.   It is recommended that all Stewards attend all Local Meetings.
     Section 5.   The Assistant State Steward shall be responsible to the State Steward and to the State and National Association for the performance of all duties. It shall be the responsibility of the Assistant State Steward to represent carriers in the office as assigned by the State Steward. The Assistant State Steward, under the direction of the State Steward, shall serve with the same authority as the State Steward. The Assistant State Steward may, in the absence of the State Steward and in conjunction with the Executive Committeeman, appeal grievances to the Step 2 and Step 3 levels.
     Section 6.   The Assistant State Steward shall give a written response to the grievant and Local Steward of the current status of any grievance appealed to him/her. The response shall be forwarded to the grievant and Local Steward within the time limits prescribed for appeal to the next step.

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     Section 1.
   The Editor of "The Texas Carrier" shall be appointed by the State Board for one (1) year terms. The number of terms shall be unlimited, subject to the will of the State Board.
     Section 2.   The Editor of "the Texas Carrier" shall be responsible for executing a printing contract, gathering and assembling articles for publication and supervising the production and distribution of that newspaper once a month, and additional duties as assigned by the President.
            (a) He/she shall provide the necessary equipment and office space to accomplish same and shall be reimbursed by the Association as stated elsewhere in this document.
            (b) Mailing labels for the newspaper circulation shall continue to be provided to the Editor from the Association's computer which is situated in the office of the Secretary-Treasurer.
            (c) The incoming editor, if different from the current editor, shall be allowed a maximum of two (2) days sub-hire, per diem and mileage at the current rate for job familiarization and retrieval of equipment.
            (d) "The Texas Carrier" must have printed/published format informing members of time limits and certain limitations regarding published articles.

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     Section 1.
   County and local.
            (a) Each county or local association shall pay into the State Treasury on or before the 1st of July each year, an annual per capita state tax of $169.00 plus national per capita for each of its regular and PTF members. National per capita is subject to change by the National Association
            (b) If a regular carrier, PTF carrier, retired carrier, or relief carrier elects to pay per capita dues by the system of payroll deductions, the amount to be deducted each month shall be 1/12th of the amount of state and national per capita dues.
            (c) The fiscal year of this association shall begin with the 1st day of July and end with the 30th day of June.
            (d) The county or local shall be liable to the State Association for its membership fees.
     Section 2.   State.
            (a) The State per capita shall constitute the state funds and shall be used to meet the general expenses of the Association.
            (b) The residue of this fund may be placed in a savings account by the Secretary-Treasurer upon recommendation of the State Board. All withdrawals from Savings Associations shall be signed by the Secretary-Treasurer and countersigned by the President or the Vice President.
            (c) In order that the Association may get its finances on a current basis, a sum equal to one-half (½) that amount spent on Delegates to the National Convention shall be set aside each year to accumulate. When the sum is equal to one year's membership dues, this SECTION shall be void.
            (d) The State shall be liable to the National Association for its membership fees.
     Section 3.   National
            (a) The State Secretary-Treasurer, upon receipt of per capita tax, shall credit to the national per capita fund, such amount as the National Constitution shall provide for, for every member reported to be in good standing, or county of local associations making remittance.
            (b) The disbursement of this fund shall be to the National Association and in accordance with the National Constitution, as to the time of paying, and it shall not be appropriated for any other purpose whatever.
     Section 4.   As a member of the Southwest Area Conference of Rural Carriers, the TRLCA will pay $.50 per route to the SWAC treasury to provide registration fees for any TRLCA member to attend the Conference

 back to By-Laws index

     Section 1.
   The President shall receive an annual salary of $2,400.00 and $600.00 annually for office expense.
     Section 2.   The Vice President shall receive $600.00 annually for office expense.
     Section 3.   The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive as his/her compensation $4.00 per member of the Association and $1,800.00 for office expense anually. He/she shall hire an administrative assistant to assist with office duties, whose salary is set by the State Board at the current market rate.
     Section 4.   The State trustees shall receive $600.00 annually for office expense.
     Section 5.   The State Steward shall be paid an amount equal to the current annual salary for an evaluated route of 46 hours at step 12, and shall receive $3600 for office expense plus an additional annual salary of $12,000. This additional salary is compensation for any and all hours necessary over 46 hours per week.
     Section 6. Retirement, Health and Life Insurance
The Association shall pay only the necessary USPS portion of contributions for the State Steward of the Association to continue in the Federal Retirement, Health and Life Insurance programs in which he/she was enrolled preceding appointment to the position of State Steward.

     Section 7.   The Assistant State Steward(s) shall be paid a salary of $6,000.00 annually and shall receive $600.00 annually for office expense.
     Section 8.   Area Stewards shall receive $600.00 annually for office expense.
     Section 9.   The Automobile Insurance Representative shall receive an annual salary of $1.00 per policy in force.
     Section 10.   The Editor shall receive an annual salary of $1,200.00 and $600.00 for office expense.
     Section 11.   All appointed officers will be reimbursed for room, travel and per diem for State Convention and Booster Meetings.

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     Section 1.
   The Association shall pay mileage over the most direct route, over State and Federal highways, and Subhire. The per mile compensation to be the same as the U.S. Postal Service per mile pay for private vehicle on government business.
     Section 2.   A MasterCard or Visa may be issued to all officers of the Association, and other members authorized by the State Board, to be used while on official business of the Association. All card holders of the Association shall pay for all charges made on their Association credit card and will send receipts with a voucher for reimbursement monthly to the State Secretary-Treasurer. If at any time a credit card holder is found to have abused the present system in any way, such as having unwarranted or unauthorized expenditures, the card holder is subject to immediate revocation of said card at the discretion of the State Board.

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     Section 1.
   All officers at the expiration of their terms of Office, when removed from Office, or when their Office is declared vacant, shall deliver to their successors all books, moneys and other property in their possession belonging to the Association.
     Section 2.   Each Officer shall sign an inventory list of property assigned to them. This inventory list shall he kept on file in the Secretary-Treasurer's Office.

back to By-Laws index

     Section 1.
   All regular committees shall be appointed by the President at least twenty (20) days prior to the beginning of each State Convention.
     Section 2.   The following shall constitute the regular committees of two (2) to five (5) members: Committee on Credentials; Committee on Constitution and By-Laws; Committee on Resolutions; Memorial Committee; Roads and Legislative Committee; Time and Place Committee; Typing Committee; Carrier of the Year Committee; and Retired Carrier of the Year Committee.
            (a) The Election Committee shall be a regular Committee with ten (10) or more members.
            (b) The State Board shall employ a Certified Public Accountant to meet with the Secretary-Treasurer and submit an Agreed Upon Procedure Report of the Association's books each year. A report of this Agreed Upon Procedure Report, as well as any recommendations by the Certified Public Accountant, will be presented at the State Convention.
            (c) The Typing Committee shall be named from the Local hosting the Convention. That Committee will provide the typing and copy reproduction support required by the Resolutions Committee, Constitution and By-Laws Committee, and other such typing as may be required in the administration of the Convention.
             (d) The Credentials Committee shall meet no later than the morning of the beginning of registration for the State Convention. Certification of delegates will be conducted concurrent with registration and shall end no later than the sounding of the gavel at the opening of the business session on the third (3rd) day of the convention. Notice of this deadline shall be sent with the delegation information packet sent by the State Secretary-Treasurer to the Local Secretaries and published in the Texas Carrier at least 30 days prior to the convention.
            (e) The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall meet at least one (1) day prior to the opening session of the State Convention each year. The Committee will only accept those changes they receive that are typewritten on the form (or a copy) provided by the State Association and which are in their hands by 1:00 pm one (1) day prior to the opening business session of the State Convention.
            (f) The Resolutions Committee shall meet at least one (1) day prior to the opening business session of the State Convention each year. The Committee will only accept those changes they receive that are typewritten on the form (or a copy) provided by the State Association and which are in their hands by 1:00 pm. one (1) day prior to the opening business session of the State Convention.
            (g) The Carrier of the Year Committee shall be named by the State President prior to the State Convention. The duty of this Committee shall be to receive nominations for Texas Carrier of the Year award and select one person from those nominees. Only those nominations received by the Committee by 12 noon on the first business day of the Convention will be considered.
            (h) The Retired Carrier of the Year Committee shall be named by the State President prior to the State Convention. The duty of this committee shall be to receive nominations for Texas Retired Carrier of the Year award and select one person from those nominees. Only those nominations received by the committee by 12 noon on the
first business day of the Convention will be considered.
     Section 3.   The duties of the above-named Committees shall be the same as in all representative bodies of like character and import.
     Section 4.   The Texas Rural Letter Carriers' Association, or State Board, shall have the power to appoint special committees.
     Section 5.   The President of this Association shall appoint a Historical Committee of three (3) members to serve terms of one (1), two (2) and three (3) years. At each following convention he shall appoint a new member for a term of three years to succeed the retiring member.
     It shall be the duty of the Historical Committee to keep the history of our Association up to date and to gather information on years that are incomplete. The Committee shall make an annual detailed report to the Convention and upon approval of the Convention they shall type or cause to be typed, on high-grade paper, enough copies of such additions or corrections as will be necessary to complete the history and to furnish without cost, a copy to those who may have purchased a copy of the history.
     The permanent historical records of the Association shall be housed in the office of the State Secretary for safe keeping.
     Section 6.   At the close of each annual convention, the President shall appoint a Budget Committee consisting of the President, Secretary-Treasurer, State Steward, and two Board Members. The duty of this committee is to write a TRLCA working budget for that fiscal year. The budget will be submitted to the Board for approval at the next Board meeting. The approved budget, along with the actual budget from the previous year, and the actual expenses from the previous year, will be printed in the first issue of "The Texas Carrier" after the budget has been approved.

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   l.   Announcement of appointed Committees.
  2.   Roll Call of State Officers.
  3.   Report of the Credentials Committee.
  4.   Seating of accredited Delegates.
  5.   Reading the Minutes of the last Convention.

  6.   Report of the President.
  7.   Report of the Vice President.
  8.   Report of the Secretary-Treasurer.
  9.   Report of the Trustees and Editor of "The Texas Carrier".
10.   Report of the State Steward.
11.   Supplementary Report of the Credentials Committee.
12.   Nominations of Officers.
13.   Final report of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee.
14.   Final report of the Resolutions Committee.
15.   Report of the Time and Place Committee.
16.   Report of the Legislative Committee.
17.   Report of the Historical Committee.
18.   Report of the Special Committee.
19.   Report of the Memorial Committee.
20.   Report of the Carrier of the Year Committee.
21.   Report of the Retired Carrier of the Year Committee.
22.   New Business.
23.   Election of Officers.
24.   Report of the Election Committee.
25.   Installation of Officers.
26.   Adjournment.

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     Section 1.   This Constitution may be changed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of any regular session.
     Section 2.   All amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws shall become effective upon approval unless a future date is specified.

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     This Constitution and By-Laws is in harmony with and recognizes the Constitution and By-Laws of the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association.

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     The State Board, in conjunction with the NRLCA shall establish a retirement plan for their elected and appointed officials.

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